One Character from All in a Day's Dance


Find him smack-dab
in the middle of it all


The solution to finding what is real and true is always available in spite of boundless complex variables to those who look for it and is the topic addressed here in this brief tale.

The miniature man in the palm tree laughs at this book with its own web design. To him, the never before fictional mix with a word play setting is merely a playground.

With the skill to appear and reappear, he claims the letter 'F' to, in other words, orchestrate emotions within many spheres of influence.

He knows only earnest eyes will see the flaw in 'camouflage' when it changes to a literary 'guacamole' due to letter six.

When it is in, it is hardly noticed and out it is unseen.

The Design

In the book, he is unscrambled and distinguished from the mess. Known by the name Farrago, he is more like music to the ears while perched in the tree, waiting for the tale to write itself.

The 'f' drops out of a 'few bites' and a 'website' appears for this connoisseur of hindsight to feast on the past.

Only the sharpest catch on to this variable.

The Manifestation

The obvious sixth letter 'f', in plain sight, is up for grabs to be 'in use' to 'infuse' into the artist's music website. Hanging out among the spheres, fiction turns into function. Far beyond literary guacamole the letter alters old notes turned 'into ear worms' to be 'a new suite form'.

Voila - an emotional ensemble, called The TW Suite (on Bandcamp)

Experience + Emotion + F = Music

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